Saturday, December 22, 2007

Writing During Christmas

The Christmas holidays (holiday holidays for the politically correct) have given me big chunks of time to do some writing. Though I average a half page to a full page of new text per day on Microsoft Word sometimes I can write many pages in one sitting, which ends in my inability to continue once the cramps set in. The ideal time for writing is when I am undisturbed, in a comfortable room, and have the creativity flowing. Of the those three points the most important is the third since I simply cannot write when I am feeling uncreative.
The problem I am facing is that during the long idle hours between outings during the holidays, I am faced with a problem: I am idle for so long that I begin to lose my creative flow. I am most creative when active which is why I chew gum when thinking or ride my bike to overcome writer's block. But during the days of Christmas I can get SOOOO bored when not with others. This ends with me sitting for long hours playing unproductive video games to kill off the boredom when I know I could and should be writing.
However, there are times during the course of my precious days off when I feel quiet creative and sit down to type. The next time I stand back up, book 3 -which is the book I am working on today on December 2007- is two or three pages longer. I get the creative flow going and I sit down and after a while my creative high has either run its course or I've got to eat. I am aiming to type as many pages as possible to make up for lost time I experienced during the beginning of the year. Despite the long hours of boredom I am prone to face when alone during Christmas, I am still accomplishing all the typing I need to do.

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