Sunday, August 24, 2008

Excerpts 5: Good and Evil

The following are some decent/cruel quotes from all the books I have yet done.

"I'll go in first" Rook volunteered as he moved Anar out of the way. "You have too much to lose. And if anyone deserves to die today its me".

Usor'an grumbled in sour surprise as the unknown knight had raised his visor and showed who he was. "Erasora'hn, how nice of you to come" Usor'an said. "Did you have fun burying your son?"

"No one is beyond redemption Rook, not even you"

Underneath every land controlled by a ruleship the layers of rock began to tremble and split. It initially went unnoticed by the inhabitants, but as time wore on the earth began to noticeably shake. All who experienced this suspected an earthquake and tried to find someplace they could go to in order to be safe. Farmers lay on the ground and prayed for it to end, people who were indoors sought a place to hide or escape.

“What are your feelings towards me?” Asseah asked quietly. “Will you tell me or shall I guess?”
“You can guess, but first here’s a hint” Anar whispered. Then he kissed her.

The third person she healed was a refugee, despite Gherantro’s orders to do otherwise. The refugee was a young human girl of around eight years. She lay on her front and three deep arrow-wounds bloodied her back. Beside the girl sat her mother who was cross legged and wept quietly into her palms while waiting for her daughter to die. Fenera was too good to ignore this and healed the girl.
“I’m feelin’ better” the girl said.
“Tockella?” the mother asked in surprise. “Tockella?”

Yuel asked for the amber coloured liquid and held it up when it was handed to him.
“This liquid is used by our healer as an antidote for various paralyzing toxins. One effect it has is it sharpens the feeling in the body for a period of time. You can rub it on or drink it. Either way, your skin can mistake a pinprick for the fiery thrust of a dagger. We give this to him and we won’t even need the healing salve. We could torture him with a single splinter of wood if we wanted to”.

“The true consequence of a new war with the demons” began Anar, ignoring the drem “will be the sorrow it will bring to the next generation. It’s time we truly end the fighting”.

Wraith turned away from the slave ship and looked ahead as his horse clopped down the road. "I've owned a few myself and found that the best thing about getting a new slave girl is dressing her for the first time" Wraith said. He answered Yuel's question before it came. "I enjoy it because nothing gives me more satisfaction then seeing that crushed look on her young face when she sees her costume and realizes that all she has left to live for is humiliation and torment. Its so...gratifying".

"Why do you heal those peasants?" Iscka asked Fenera. "It's a waste of magic. They'll just get sick again".
"It makes me feel good" was Fenera's reply.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Anar on Hero Machine

I have made an image of Anar on Hero Machine. To access it, go to:

Once there, copy and paste the code below into the load window, which can be accessed by clicking on the blue "load" button in order to see the image of Anar I made.

2.1*m1*Anar (Current Look)*Hair:Expansion1,mohawk1,181818,FFFA9C,100,100,22,Eyebrows:Standard,eyebrows4,181818,FFFA9C,100,100,20,Eyes:Standard,plain1,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,19,Nose:Standard,slash,FFD08C,FFFFFF,100,100,25,Mouth:Standard,closedsmile,FFD08C,FFD08C,100,100,17,Beard:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,24,Ears:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,18,Skin:,fraBlank,FFD08C,FFD08C,100,100,6,Mask:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,21,Headgear:Fantasy,fraBlank,727272,CFCFCF,100,100,27,Undershirt:Standard,dressshirt,CEA66B,CEA66B,100,100,7,Overshirt:Expansion1,fraBlank,BDBDBD,848484,100,100,8,Coat:FantasyArmor,roman,B2B2B2,BDBDBD,100,100,23,RightGlove:Standard,armorband,FFFFFF,FFF764,100,100,16,LeftGlove:Standard,armorband,FFFFFF,FFF764,100,100,15,Insignia:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,9,Neckwear:Standard,fraBlank,6A0108,DDDDDD,100,100,30,Belt:Standard,powerdisks,312829,9C9C9C,100,100,31,Leggings:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,10,Overleggings:Standard,fraBlank,848484,848484,100,100,12,Pants:Standard,plate1,B2B2B2,FF0000,100,100,14,RightFoot:Standard,plate2,B2B2B2,B2B2B2,100,100,13,LeftFoot:Standard,plate2,B2B2B2,BDBDBD,100,100,11,Back:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,3,Wings:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,4,Tail:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,5,Aura:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,2,Companion:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,29,Background:Standard,fullscreen,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,1,RightHand:Blades,persian,9596C6,636363,100,100,28,LeftHand:Blades,fraBlank,CFCFCF,434343,100,100,26,#

Monday, August 18, 2008

Short Story: Slaves of the Demon

I have written a short story for based in the Three Planets universe called Slaves of the Demon. Its purpose is to give more depth to Usor'an. In the canon this story will have taen place about one hundred years prior to book . Below is the address for the story.