Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Cure for slacking off: piss myself off

What a strange concept? The cure for slacking off when writing is to get myself angry, or rather, cheesed off. Genuine anger is distracting and makes me upset, pissing myself off gets me worked up and frustrated. It is the ultimate cure to writer's block (as long as I have some kind of idea). That should be an antithesis of writing coherently, I mean, shouldn't frustration scramble my thoughts and make myself think less clearly? No.

I noticed it first when procrastinating. I do it alot when I am writing and have access to the internet (I'm doing it right now). YouTube videos are some of the best things in the world and I cannot get enough of them. I was watching a video which featured a Christian bashing the fantasy genre as being evil and satanic, thus all who even glance at it turn into sinners and go to hell. That really frustrated me. I got really frustrated, which made me passionate and excitable. To the video, I thought "you don't like witchcraft, eh?" The next minute I had written four pages about a demon destorying a city with magic of the most evil kind. It fit into the story like a puzzle piece.

Now, if I feel lazy or lacking in motivation to write, I go straight to the internet and read statements from missionaries (GeT a LiFe YoU iDIOtS!!!), statements about creationists (ThE DuMbEsT pEoPlE iN tHe WoRlD!!!) or remind myself of the Inheritance cycle (SoMeThInG sO bLaTaNtLy PlAgArIzEd AnD aWfUlLy WrItTeN sHoUlD nOt HaVe BeEn AlLoWeD!!!) The next moment I am pumped and ready to type. As a bonus, I can think of more firey scenes when I'm furstrated

Eg. I'm bored (Wraith pressed Anar against the wall and leveled his sword's blade against his throat. "Where is it?" the demon asked.

I'm pissed ( Wraith fiercely clenched Anar's throat in his his hand and threw him painfully against the closest wall. He brought face closer to the eyes of the panicking human and pressed his sword against his neck. "Where is it?" the demon demanded "

Friday, April 18, 2008

A picture of Rook a friend drew for me

A friend of mine, Aaron Dalzot, was kind enough to bring Rook to life with his artistic talent. I gave him a description and Aaron drew him. I only just managed to find an image of the drawing on his facebook page. And so here it is, an image of Rook, all credit goes to Aaron of course.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

All about one of my characters: Skander

Alone and nervous. Divided and eager. Treacherous and persistent. Skander is one of the minor villains of the series, appearing in a minor role in book 2 and taking on a more important bit during part 3. He is an anti-villain, as Rook is an anti-hero, although you'd never guess when you first meet him. Skander is a half-demon and was raised demonic society, therefore he feel sympathetic to the goals of the Demon Empire. He tries his best to see that Usor'an's goals are fulfilled. When he first meet him, he is devoid of feeling and seems completely soulless. He appears to revel in carnage and fanatically loyal. How then can Skander, a heartless ass, be a person who pursues evil intents with a good persona? The answer lies in his blood. Skander is only part demon. All demons are devoid of sympathy and enjoy fighting, but Skander doesn't truly have these qualities. His human side gives him compassion and the ability to feel.
Skander doesn't want to be a half-demon, he wants to be a full demon. The only way he can be a true demon, according to Skander, is to have no emotions and to love killing. So he pretends to be a soulless freak to try and beat emotion out of himself. Skander hates killing because his emotions keep getting in the way. He prefers to negotiate, forgive, and make peace. So he is alone, stuck with the wrong friends and trying as hard as he can to be like a demon but never managing to lose his feelings.
Skander is still a villain, he believes in the ultimate demonic goal. Alas, he cannot try to bring this goal about through violence because he is bothered by fighting. One important thing about Skander: he is dishonest. He is one of the only villains with the capacity to betray...